Applicant - How to get my document successfully validated to receive the payment
How to get my ID document successfully verified
Remember that you need to upload your bank details and a copy of your ID document in your profile ("My Account - My Identity") to receive your payment after a booking on Yoopies.
Follow this guide to be sure that your ID document will be verified and you will receive your payment as soon as possible.
Provide a colour copy, front and back, of one of the following up-to-date documents (documents accepted in the European Economic Area)
- Passport
- Identity Card
- Residency Card
- Driving License
To be accepted the documents need to be:
✔️ Valid and up-to-date
✔️ With the same information as declared on your Yoopies profile
✔️ In one of these format .jpg, .jpeg, .pdf or .png
✔️ No less than 32k and no more than 10 MB
✔️ User is over 18
In addiction, to be sure that your document will be accepted please pay attention when you take the photo/scan, don't submit your copy if:
❌ Without all the edges visible
❌ With a Flash or Glare
❌ If its Black and White
❌ Without (or partial) MRZ bar or photo
❌ Covered or Blocked View
❌ Both sides on the same page
❌ Blurred
When your ID document is accepted you will receive your payment within 48 hours.
In case you haven't found the answer you're looking for, feel free to contact us at