Yoopies online booking system allows you to pay your childcare provider quickly and easily.. To make a booking: Go on the profile of your selected applicant. Click on the button "Book.".. The applica…
There are two ways to cancel your Yoopies account. You can either choose to hide your ads but keep your account (reversible) or delete your account (irreversible).. Pause your ads to no longer receiv…
Your Yoopies Premium membership subscription is automatically renewed at the end of your chosen subscription period.. You can however stop the renewal of your subscription by doing the following: To…
All the answers for parents looking to find the perfect babysitter, tutor, petsitter or cleaner!
42 articles by 2 authors
Whether you're a babysitter, petsitter, tutor, carer or cleaner, you'll find the answers here!
43 articles by 2 authors